↘1, Cheondo-Daero 83-Gil, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul
Living Brand Showroom Design
Clinent: Rareraw
Completion of Project: 10. 2021
Credits: Joongho Choi Studio
Project Team: Jaeyoung Kim, Chahn Chance
Construction: 42Lab
Photo: Sangpil Lee

Rareraw, a Seoul-based designers’ furniture and accessory brand for modern living, has enlisted the help of Joongho Choi Studio for their re-branding project. Joongho Choi Studio is in charge of the rebranding project's creative direction as well as the showroom's spatial design. The major goal was to create a showroom that wasn't conventional or retail-like. The studio chose to design the showroom with an essence of Rareraw’s persona and a curated experience. Materials and colors were chosen with care to create a pleasing contrast between the diverse colors and the sophisticated form of the furniture. The showroom has a layout of residential space, beginning with a front patio and entry. Visitors can take a stroll through the space and be inspired by Rareraw’s experiential home, which is curated with the brand’s furniture, and home accessories. The primary zones make up the showroom: three living rooms, two kitchens, and a bedroom. Individual zones must represent their particualr use and story, but they must also work together to create a cohesive design atmosphere. Zones are divided, but they are not entirely blocked or separated. Color contrast creates two distinct atmospheres, and openings in between zones let visitors to observe all of the zones from everywhere in the space. The showroom is intended to encourage guests to visualize themselves in their new house. In the showroom, there are two design tones and materials. Using materials such as uneven white ceramic tiles, larch paneling, and colorful furniture, the main room suggests a house that is intimate, light, and lively. The main space in the front and the other space in the back are connected by a tiled floor. The larch wall not only separates two zones, but also links them through a hole in the wall. The other room depicts a residence that is urban, elegant, and dark, by using concrete, metal rods, and a dark green metal paneled wall. To portray the spirit of premium compact living, this space is furnished with minimalistic and calmer furnishings. This section is visibly and experientially separated by the elevated concrete floor. For a wide audience, the brand can provide two separate personas.

Initiative of Rareraw rebranding was to keep the originality, but to focus on design sensitivity.
This Kovy, Livy, Pasadena Series poster design was introduced with a series of graphic design that emphasizes Rareraw's tagline; Rare Presence, Raw Materiality

Joongho Choi Studio has collaborated with 42 Lab to create Design Lab for Rareraw on the showroom's upper floor.
This is in-house exhibition that allows visitors to see the process of how rareraw furniture is made.